Monday, November 08, 2010

Happiness and Bliss!

When surrounded by like minded beings, people who are truly living their dreams you can't help but feel LOVE! And that's what live is all about!

Once a year I attend the Road Rally, a music conference held by TAXI. This was my fifth Rally, it's one of my favorite things to do and something I look forward to all year.

Every year I learn more about my industry, I meet more people who become life long friends, collaborators and/or business partners. I got to hear some extremely successful people talk about their careers, their ways of staying fresh and excited in the ever changing world of music and nothing is more inspiring than hearing people who have been in the business for several decades talk with such passion, excitement and bliss about music.

I feel happy, energized, inspired and ALIVE! Whatever it is you are passionate about, surround yourself with like-minded people and go after your dreams....and make 'em BIG!

Cheers to a blissful day!

Play "Living The Dream"! Make it your mantra!

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