Friday, June 24, 2011

A Little Patience!

I want it all and I want it now! ;) I've been networking a lot lately and I'm having a Blast. It's starting to feel more like a family gathering that a dry networking event.

I see a few here and there that seem a little desperate and somewhat clueless. I can relate to it, because in the beginning everything seemed very overwhelming to me and totally out of reach.

Most of us want instant gratification but everything takes time. It takes time to build a trusting relationship.

We have to remember that planting the seeds is step one, a plant takes time to grow.

No matter where we are, there's always more room to grow and expand. So instead of being impatient, we gotta get busy improving our craft, ourselves and trust the process!

Most importantly, we have to nurture the seeds, follow up and be interested in the people! Everything is build on relationships.

Now breathe in and out. Repeat.


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