Thursday, January 03, 2013

Onto The Next One

Taking a walk at 7:30 am is so refreshing, the crisp air, the morning frost on the grass and leaves, hardly anyone out. Everything feels so pure and new. It was pretty chilly for LA, than again, I'm not a morning person, maybe it's normal? I ended up walking for almost an hour, my dog Bolt loves the park as much as I do, sometimes I'm not sure who's taking who for a walk ;)
Crazy ideas pop in my head all the time and I usually dismiss them or save 'em for a later date. I've been debating whether or not to throw a brand new song at the guys and have 'em learn it for the show on friday(I'm still learning it myself) And so I decided to Just Do It! They got the song via e-mail a few hours before rehearsal. I wrote the song "Onto The Next One" last year after several weeks of writers block. It's become my new favorite, it's where I'm at in my life, it only seems appropriate to debut it at the first show of the new year.
In the past I'd often let someone convince me that we're not ready...truth is...we're never ready. I know what we are capable of, and I'm tired of playing it safe & being comfortable. Our first rehearsal after 3 months was a mess, but I'm confident we'll nail it tomorrow. ;)

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