Friday, March 29, 2013

Ten Years in lala Land...

Ten years ago I came to LA with half a band, 3 cats, a bird, a truckload of dreams, full of excitement and ambition. We rented a house in Van Nuys and converted the garage into a recording/rehearsal studio. It was badass, there was a lot of magic in that studio, The Becoming and ANKOH were written there, we had a Blast throwing several parties at the house....riding our bicycles all over the valley, up and down the hills at 2am....I rebuild the band a bunch of times, rocked sunset strip, packed the places, sold tickets, released 2 EP's and a full length, than core members changed, my long time partner left and I had to learn to do it all on my own...with Jim's support; we kept it several film/tv placements, toured the US signed to an indie label that's been a roller coaster for sure. It's been a lot of tears and frustration but also a ton of fun, laughter, adventure and something everyone should experience. In the process of all that, I've met some amazing people here in LA as well as all over the states.

Fast forward...

Private life....different guy, different place, two of my lovely cats and the bird have left this earth...R.I.P. Freeway and Zoe & Snow....I found my black cat Johnny the first year we were here, my little princes Heidi is still here and a dog named BOLT found us! ;)

Music!!! Nothing is what I thought it would be. The band is on hiatus until the new album is out, I now compose music for film/tv, get to collaborate with some amazingly talented people who are also my friends and I'm finally working on my own project....a solo project that I've been wanting to do for years..... Ten years is a long time and when I look back and ask myself what I would do differently...hmmm.....lot's of things. But I don't want to waste my time feeling regret. It's time to focus on what I have control over. I have failed miserably at many things I've pursued over the years. But all those things have led to better, bigger things. In the big picture, I have to admit that I miss the shit out of NYC,  I left a comfortable life to follow my dreams. I gave up many things for my true love. And many times the thought of leaving it all behind, the thought of quitting has crossed my mind. But I've learned that things don't always turn out exactly as you expected, however, if you keep your eye on the road and enjoy the little will create your own luck. While I'm still miles from where I want to be, I'm trusting that I am on the right path....another thing I recently learned is that quitting is not a bad thing, quite the opposite. More on that later ;)

Cheers to ten years in Holywoodz!

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