Monday, April 06, 2009

Ramblings of Slacking Blogger

hahahaha, what can I say, music has kept me busy for the past few months. I'm working on getting this back to a somewhat updated state, it just seems a bit much sometimes between Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and all the other SN sites.
Life has been extremely great and I expect to get more of it, each and every day. I've been collaborating with a ton of people and like it.

There's a ton of excitement and news coming up about Otto's Daughter. Jim and I decided to bring some freshness to our musical journey. Now is the perfect time, we will announce all the news in may. Right now our focus is on our single and brand new PinkStar EP.

Our PinkStar summer tour is being booked right now and we will begin the end of May.

More news coming soon ;)

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