Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Here's to a prosperous 2011!!!

Funny; every year we make New Years Resolutions, some we follow, a few we accomplish, some we ignore completely. There's an interesting mechanism inside of us that seems to hold us back from the very things we desire. It's easy to get off track. I know from my own experience. In this day and age I find life extremely distracting. Our smart phones, all our Social Networking sites and life in general.

What do we really strive for? While one of my main goals is to become financially free, first and foremost I want to be happy, healthy and live a life full of passion, laughter, fun, adventure and love. Art is love. In all it's forms. I want to create and accomplish the things I once thought were impossible. We are capable of way more than we think.

A lot of my friends tell me often how I'm always so positive and energetic, and yes, usually I am but I have a dark side too. We all do, it's nature. It's the law of rhythm...what goes up must come down, high and low, in and out. We either grow or die. It's the law. In everything. This law (call it god if you like) works no matter what. You reap what you sow. What you think you create, your attitude, what you say and how you see yourself reflects everything around you.

I work with this Law on a daily basis now and I'm amazed how much I've accomplished since than. The movies "The Secret" and "What The Bleep" as well as the book "THINK AND GROW RICH" have changed my life.

I have found a man that speaks to me. He teaches this law. He has become my mentor. I believe he's the best in his field. His name is Bob Proctor (you might recognize him from the movie The Secret)

Here's my gift to you! Go check it out for yourself. Use the Free Trial. None of us should feel lack of any sort in our lives. We all deserve to live in a world of abundance. Make 2011 your year! All the tools we need are right here! You owe it to yourself to truly Live Your Dream! So here it is!!!

Happy 2011


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