Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fuel for Creativity!

The Music Industry has changed drastically and it keeps on changing. Get over it! If you are in the industry and you resist change, you'll have a hard time moving forward, adapting to the "new way". Most of us haven't even quite figured out the "new way"...we're all kinda in limbo. The great news is, here's our chance to come up with something new and groundbreaking. We can try new things, they may fail, I'm sure many ideas will but so keep on trying.

The worst thing you can do is bitch and complain. What exactly does that accomplish? You hate the budget cuts, the shitty music out these days...REALLY? There's always been shitty music. Music doesn't need to be meaningful and deep at all times. When I'm on the dancefloor, I want to dance, laugh, flirt....have fun! Just because it doesn't speak to you doesn't mean it's bad.

How about all those hating on Skrillex, Rhianna or Lady GaGa, how they don't deserve to be as big as they are. IF you think they suck, DO BETTER! Bring something to the table that tops their production, their mass appeal! Yes, they all have big machines behind them but you can create something out of nothing if you have the drive and the believe that you are great! Saying you don't have the big label behind you is just another excuse to NOT get to work. Let your frustration be your inspiration. Instead of getting bitter, get busy, get creative!

We're all guilty of it, but it doesn't serve us! So now go write a song about it! ;P

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