Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Choose Your Battles!

I don't really talk politics for obvious reasons. Everyone has an opinion and it usually ends up in an argument because everyone wants to be right and defend their party and beliefs. Just like religion, it gets ugly and stupid.

What slightly ticks me and amuses me at the same time is all these conspiracy theories. I do find them interesting and don't doubt for a minute that some of those are true. Was 911 an inside job? Maybe, but what am I going to do? Spend the rest of my life chasing ghosts? We will never know for sure.

What about gun control? Just like drugs, if you want them, they are available. Money gets you everything you desire. Do I like guns? No! Guns are dangerous but so are knifes, fireworks, tools, prescription drugs and alcohol.

Yes, let's go back in history and find out what happened to all those countries that had gun control...The government controlled the people. BAM! No brainer.

But lets fast forward and look at whats happening today. People eventually rebelled and stood up for their rights and freedom.

Say what you will, America is the best country I know of, it's the land of opportunity. How many self-made millionaires live here? I'm talking about people who came from nothing, had no or little formal education. I know for fact that wouldn't be an easy task in Germany.

We live in the 21st century. We have evolved. People state that the world is going mad and people are stupid and going crazy...I admit that while technology is a fabulous thing it can also cripple us, especially our new generation. We don't have to use our brain as much, our little robots are doing it all for us. (but let's be for real; the general public doesn't use their brain regardless)so let's not blame stupidity and ignorance on technology.

And if you do have kids, yes; the school system sucks, home school your kid! take charge! OR at least spend quality time with your kid. Don't treat it like a toy, something you hardly have time to play with. My parents worked hard and didn't have much time for me. I didn't end up a gangster or drug addict. They taught me basic manners, even when they were a slight mess themselves.

Another solution for you! Don't have kids if you can't afford them! Sounds a little harsh? Maybe.

Well, I'm getting off the subject here....the world is going mad???? C'mon...let's not forget back in the days when woman (and man) got hanged for being accused of being witches..AND people came to watch the hangings. That's supposed to be normal?

How about when people were being humiliated and torchered in public AND the public would watch it with enthusiasm like a football game. THAT'S MAD!

Humans have always been the worst creatures alive on earth, it's nothing new. We are driven by emotions, such as fear, greed, love, hate. Emotions start wars. Emotions can also create peace. Life is light and darkness. There will always be good and evil. It is up to us individuals to pick and choose our battles. We all go through highs and lows. We all mess up. We all experience pain and disappointment. But how much time do you want to spend living in misery and fear breeding hatred?

Why not enjoy life while we've got it. Stand up and fight for your beliefs, make a difference in the world. Just don't sit there complain about the world, waiting for the sky to fall. Don't play the victim. Get in the drivers seat and do something that matters. Be the best YOU can be. Do the things YOU do have control over.

Find purpose in your own life, a creative, fulfilling outlet that makes you thrive , stimulates your mind and takes your mind off all the negativity we are exposed to daily. It's easy to get sucked into it.

What do you want people to remember you by when you're gone?

The person that always thought the sky was falling or the person that always saw the good in people and life? A loving, caring, kind, smart, creative, innovative and inspiring soul that made a difference in someones life?

Spend less time watching the news, worrying about the things that may or may not happen...the things you can't control. Spend more time BEING in the moment with the people that matter to you most. Dream big. Paint beautiful pictures of how you want your life to be and go for it.

Do the things that make you FEEL GOOD and spread that good vibration.

Choose your thoughts, friends and actions wisely. And remember, your mind is your most powerful weapon on earth!


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